About Us

We introduce ourselfs

We introduce ourselfs

It's pretty hard to describe yourself, but the fact is: We are an interdisciplinary team of programmers, marketing strategists, designers and 3D modelers and we always look forward to new challenges.

We get along pretty well with each other and hope that we can share this positive environment with our customers. (Yes, you too!)

But don't worry: the fact that we have fun at and at work influences not the quality of our work.

Man mit Brille im Hintergrund unterhält sich mit Person im Vordergund

On the contrary: through an open and family working atmosphere, we can say without fear if we have something find it stupid: and that's good for you, because who wants a team from people who are afraid of criticism? We can guarantee: We'll pick it up always the best out of a product!

We come across much better in real life, just see for yourself.

Contact us Now

Our Team

Frank Neumann

Frank Neumann


Frederik Hartmann

Frederik Hartmann

Head of Finance

Paul Wolff

Paul Wolff

Head of Development

Tim Wittig

Tim Wittig

Development & Creative Consulting

Christine Ostrikow

Christine Ostrikow

UX & Communications

Jonas Bongartz

Jonas Bongartz




Professional Pet

We've got you covered!
Just let us know
how we can assist you:

To discuss your individual requirements and the resulting possibilities, we are happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation.

Phone:  0351 21929038  (monday – friday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm)

E-Mail: info@vrketing.de
